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As the professional world become more diversify and the idea of globalization is embrace, young professional around the world regardless of their country of origin, need to gain the right knowledge and skills to be able to relate to other professionals outside their environment.


Learning Never Stops is a non-profit program that focuses on enhancing the knowledge of young professionals in developing countries through lecture seminar, consultancy, and knowledge-sharing forums. We focus our time and energy on young professionals attending colleges, universities or entering their field of profession. 


Learning never stops create an avenue where young professionals can gain knowledge that can be applied in their field of profession universally and fit into another professional environment.


Bridge the gap of professional knowledge, so that young professionals in developing countries can connect with other professional communities globally. Provide the knowledge that will increase the learning curve and enhance their abilities to use and apply standard industry skills, knowledge and methodologies, providing effective solutions to business problems in their field of expertise and everywhere they go.


Our commitment is to help, teach and support young or aspiring professionals, through our programs, to enhance their professional growth and adequately acquire the professional knowledge that can be applied in any professional environment.  To Assist striving organizations, whether for profit or non-profit reach their business goals. Collaborate with local professionals, using our diversified skills and knowledge to identified and find solutions to issues affecting society and professional or business environment.  


Providence, RI USA

Liberia, West Africa


USA: +1 401 239 2113

LIB: 011 231 881812419 

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